Monday, January 21, 2019

Settling In!

I suppose that we are settling in but there is still not enough routine to suit me!!?  This is just like owning another house - there always seems to be something to do!  Over the past couple of days I've raised the border stones in our front rock bed so the rocks don't keep spilling out!  I think that they have been driven for the last fifteen years so were sort of level with the road!!  So, this morning I hosed down the deck, driveway and road out front to clean things up a bit.   That seems to be the only way to solve the dust problem - the hose!  There are still lots of  little jobs to be done however.

We are starting to get into our routine of walking again.  Until we got the work done and the weather cooperated, we didn't get out much but it is better now.  Up until a couple of days ago the temp has been cooler but now it seems to be regularly over 14 or 15 so it is nicer to get out!  The long range forecast is quite goo as well - warmer and drier than usual during Feb.

Golf is also getting better - slowly.  I had my best game of the year last Friday so am looking forward to this Friday a bit more than I have been.  We have our usual game on Friday and then a best ball on Saturday.  This is the annual 'Bob Rock' tournament.  He was the organizer of the Friday game who died of ALS a couple of years ago.  It is a fun event with a banquet and party in the evening.

There is a group of people who go out and pick oranges somewhere every Tuesday and Thursday for the food bank.  Apparently the bank isn't able to take them any more so every Tuesday and Thursday, there are huge tubs of oranges and grapefruit out in front of several units for the taking!!!  Needless to say, they are great.

We have also been quite enjoying the hockey games lately!!  Big Surprise!!  Especially the done last Saturday night.  My golfing buddy. Cliff is a Jets fan so we get some good conversations going!

We are starting to enjoy our new abode even though sometimes it does not sound like it!!  It is quite a change moving from the fifth wheel to something a bit more permanent but as time goes on, I am sure that we are going to be all in.  This is especially true when it comes time to go back and forth from Calgary!!  The extra room is very nice as well.  There are few more responsibilities though - like killing the weeds on one's lot and stuff like that.  Not a huge job though when has a bottle of roundup.

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